It's the end of an era...

Boo hoo!

As you may already know, I'd seized updating this site, but I was still going to keep all the files up. Then what does that bastard 50megs account do? Delete all files over 256 kB in size (rendering all of my downloads non-existent), decrease my webspace from 50 MB to a pathetic, measly 12 AND deny FTP access. Ho ho. Hey, if you're not going to handle the pressure, then don't set up a free web space site AT ALL. And spare us all some major grievances. I'm moving my business to the so far so brilliant Brinkster server, but I'm still sorry to see the Sopranos site go. It truly is one of the best shows ever, and I liked having a tribute to it.

But there's still a lot of great Sopranos sites out there, most of which are listed here. Please check them out, they rock.
